What kind of coal slime drying is practical and environmentally friendly? There is no doubt that equipment equipped with dust collectors with high dust removal and purification efficiency can be evaluated by the EIA, and the coal slime drying equipment project can also be continuously produced. But only governance is passive, and the cost is undoubtedly greater. What do professional manufacturers say?
Dingli has been operating coal slime drying equipment for nearly ten years, and has made small achievements in the drying field. Not only the slime drying technology has been deepened and upgraded vertically, but also the horizontal product line has been expanded. The design field is more and more, and the market coverage is wider and wider. . At the moment when coal ban and environmental protection are becoming stricter, how to carry out environmental impact assessment of coal slime drying equipment becomes the premise of project establishment. Jiutian machinery manufacturers resolutely do a good job of upgrading and improving pollution control technology, synchronizing, and also juxtaposing pollution prevention and pre-treatment technologies and treatment technologies, providing a two-pronged approach to supply coal slurry drying equipment that is not only environmentally friendly but also energy-saving.
Coal slime pollution is pre-treated. The so-called pre-treatment is to process at the heating end of the dryer. Slurry drying equipment is usually dried by high temperature, so the burner is the main source of pollution. In the past, the burner was often a coal-fired hot blast stove. Therefore, carbon-sulfur pollution and dust pollution were serious. At present, the nine-day slime drying equipment mainly uses clean burners (such as natural gas, biomass, etc. as fuel) for heating and drying, steam waste heat drying, etc. to carry out coal slurry drying equipment, and at the same time add a settling chamber.
Coal slime drying pollution treatment method is also very important to help reduce the project cost. The supporting burner adopts the newly introduced energy-saving technology, and the combustion structure, the sufficiency of fuel incineration and the heat supply have a great The improvement, energy consumption is reduced by 13%, and the power consumption and workload of the later dust removal and purification equipment also have a great decompression effect and reducing losses.