Sludge dryer clogging refers to the failure of the drying material to block the inlet of the dryer equipment.Generally, if the sludge dryer completely blocks the fault, it can be judged from two phenomena: one is that the pressure of the high pressure pump is suddenly increased, and the other is that the temperature of the tower is obviously increased. If the sludge dryer is partially blocked or cannot be completely dried, the pressure change of the high pressure pump is not obvious, but the temperature of the outlet gas of the sludge dryer will be significantly improved. No matter what happens, it must be dealt with in time, otherwise it will generate a lot of waste and even cause other failures.
Although the sludge dryer will be blocked during use, if you pay attention to the following points, you can effectively prevent the problem.
1. Set up the monitoring imaging equipment: the dry state position can be observed in time, and then the dry state is transmitted to the central control room monitoring machine, so that the operator can grasp the dry state and fail to find it in time;
2. Select the appropriate filter: the impurities in the feed solution of the filter, the choice of filter screen and the sludge dryer population channel and the micropore filter mesh diameter are usually selected by the sludge dryer into the channel or pore size 0.2 times.
3. Quick-open structure: The sludge dryer can instantly assemble and disassemble the sludge dryer parts without any tools, which is easy to operate and saves a lot of time to deal with and malfunction.
Zhengzhou Dingli sludge drying equipment is compact, with a small footprint, high heat transfer coefficient, excellent thermal efficiency, generally 80% to 90%, is energy-saving equipment, welcome to visit our company!