The price composition of grain dryer has a large difference in the cost of different costs, the proportion of manufacturing costs is not too small is the quality of dryer, which has the quality of materials and equipment production problems, therefore, understand
grain dryer related industry chain of the market can fully support the basis of procurement assessment.

Some grain dryer manufacturers under the name of low-cost strategy for market penetration, often focus on consumer psychological needs, but also increased the risk of procurement. The superior performance of grain dryer not only rely on technology, but also rely on stringent production line management and equipment quality, such as different insulation materials, the heat utilization rate is different, then the operating costs of grain drying and drying grain profit return.
And the proportion of profits accounted for the main proportion of wood chip dryer offer, the consumer needs multiple inspection and comparison, to negotiate the price cut, so as to achieve a reasonable transaction price, the user's procurement quality risk will be reduced to a minimum.