The steam coal dryer, as its name, the heat source, uses the steam coal drying equipment to transform the remaining heat steam such as power plants, boiler plants, and brick factories through technical conversion to the temperature and heat required for coal drying to achieve the purpose of coal heat transfer. What is the requirements for steam coal dryers for steam temperature? This article briefly introduces you, and attach steam coal dryer operation video
The steam coal dryer adopts a low -temperature indirect drying process. The drying temperature is generally above 110 ° C. It can be arbitrarily adjusted according to the material characteristics. Under the influence of the influence, the heat and coal are fully exposed to achieve the heat transfer and the constant temperature drying. The entire drying process is stable, efficient, safe, and has low environmental protection costs compared to other thermal sources.
Video of steam coal dryers
The above is the requirements of steam coal dryers for steam temperature and equipment on -site operation videos. Want to learn more about steam coal dryers technical technology, model parameters, price, cost, or want to see the scene, you can leave a message for consultation.