Beet residue is a by-product of sugar production. It is the residue of sugar beet roots and tubers after soaking and pressing to extract the sugar solution. Therefore, a large amount of water-insoluble substances exist in the residue, especially all the crude fiber remains. It is a good succulent feed for domestic animals, and has prolactin effect on female animals. It is mostly used for feeding cattle. The main ingredients are soluble nitrogen-free, but very little protein and fat, very much calcium, less phosphorus, good palatability, more crude fiber.
The amount of wet beet dregs should not be too much, and it should be mixed with protein feed or other green feed. In order to solve the problem that wet beet dregs cannot be eaten directly, the solution is to use sugar beet pulp dryer to make it into pellets for feed, which reduces moisture, facilitates transportation, and facilitates preservation. Beet dregs, through the effects of high temperature steam and pressure in the granulation process, can further improve nutrient utilization, increase feed compensation, solve anti-nutritional factors, and avoid picky food by animals, ensure the full price of the feed, easy to feed. Reduce artificial input, reduce the consumption of high bird feeding activities, and reduce the natural loss of feed.
Similar to the drying of beet dregs and other materials, we can use beet dregs dryer to dry, which can increase the drying output and ensure that nutrients are not lost. When you need to buy, you can contact our staff for consultation.